Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Black History Month And Slavery Still Exists Today!!!!!!!!!!

We celebrate Black History Month here in February. I for one celebrate Black History every day, I don't need a month that the white man commissioned to celebrate it for me. And slavery still exists today, it's economic and psychological now more than ever. The brainwashing of black folks still goes on and black folks just go along with what white folks tell them. We need to read more, and find out more about our rich history not just this month but every day. More and more of our history is being wiped out of the books by the white establishment. Just think what kind of power black folks would have if we researched our history and found out we have done amazing things. We need to stop paying attention to television,internet, and other things put out there negative about black folks. The white establishment acts like we are the only ones killing folks and robbing folks, etc. And this so called "Hip Hop" music of today is really brainwashing our youth. They think tattoos, and calling each other the 'N" word is cool and a good thing. These type of things are keeping us black folks in a slavery mindset. We need more doctors,lawyers, people who can give us economic power. Whether you like it or not money is power in this world, and white folks still have more of it than other races. The White establishment runs the music,entertainment,media industries and what do you think they are going to put out? Positive images of white folks and negative images of black folks. Look at the white man's dictionary (Webster's) for instance? Look at the definitions for black and white and that should tell you someting. So for black history month(which is the shortest month on the calendar by the way) do some research on black history positive and negative and learn something abut our people. If you don't want to do it every day (which you should) at least do it this month. You only have 29 days to do it. This is my rant for today. God Bless and Peace to the Creatures.